28 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
System Requirements
Detector: The MicroMAX detector receives its power from the controller, which in turn
plugs into a source of AC power.
ST-133: The ST-133 Controller can operate from
any one of four different nominal line
voltages: 100, 120, 220, or 240 V AC. Refer to the Fuse/Voltage label on the
back of the ST-133 for fuse, voltage, and power consumption information.
The plug on the line cord supplied with the system
should be compatible with the line-
voltage outlets in common use in the region to which the system is shipped. If the line
cord plug is incompatible, a compatible plug should be installed, taking care to maintain
the proper polarity to protect the equipment and assure user safety.
Host Computer
Note: Computers and operating systems all undergo frequent revision. The following
information is only intended to give an approximate indication of the computer
requirements. Please contact the factory to determine your specific needs.
Requirements for the host computer depend on the type of interface, TAXI or USB 2.0,
that will be used for com
munication between the ST-133 and the host computer. Those
requirements are a listed below according to protocol.
TAXI Protocol:
• AT-com
patible computer with 200 MHz Pentium
II (or better).
• Windows
95, Windows
98SE, Windows
ME, Windows NT
, Windows
2000, or Windows
XP operating system.
• High speed PCI serial card (or an unused PCI card slot). Com
puters purchased
from Princeton Instruments are shipped with the PCI card installed if High speed
PCI was ordered.
• Minim
um of 32 Mbytes of RAM for CCDs up to 1.4 million pixels. Collecting
multiple spectra at full frame or high speed may require 128 Mbytes or more of
• CD-ROM drive.
• Hard disk with a m
inimum of 80 Mbytes available. A complete installation of the
program files takes about 17 Mbytes and the remainder is required for data
storage, depending on the number and size of images or spectra collected. Disk
level compression programs are not recommended.
• Super VGA m
onitor and graphics card supporting at least 256 colors with at least
1 Mbyte of memory. Memory requirement is dependent on desired display
• IEEE-488 GPIB port (required by
DG535 Timing Generator, if present). May
also be required by Spectrograph.
• Two-button Microsoft com
patible serial mouse or Logitech three-button
serial/bus mouse.