Chapter 1 Introduction 11
The standard MicroMAX Controller enables both high-speed and high-precision readout
capabilities. It can collect 16-bit images at a readout rate of up to 1 million pixels per
second (1 MHz) in the high-speed mode or at 100 thousand pixels per second (100 kHz)
in the optional precision mode (16-bit). Switching between the two modes is under
software control for total experiment automation.
Modular Design: In addition to containing the power supplies, the controller contains
the analog and digital electronics, scan contro
l and exposure timing hardware, and system
I/O connectors, all mounted on user-accessible plug-in modules. The design is highly
modularized for flexibility and convenient servicing.
Flexible Readout: There is provision for extrem
ely flexible readout of the CCD.
Readout modes supported include full resolution, simultaneous multiple subimages, and
nonuniform binning. Single or multiple software-defined regions of interest can also be
tested without having to digitize all the pixels of the array
High Speed Data Transfer: Data is transferred directly to the host computer memory
via a high-speed serial link. A proprietary
Interface card places the data from the
controller directly into the host computer RAM using Direct Memory Access (DMA).
The DMA transfer process ensures that the data arrives at sufficiently high speed to
prevent data loss from the controller. Since the data transfer rate is much higher than the
output rate from the A/D, the latter becomes the data acquisition rate-limiting factor.
Once the digital data is in RAM, the image acquisition program can transfer the image
into its own working RAM for viewing and further processing.
Note: A frame buffer with standard composite video, either RS-170 (EIA) or CCIR,
whichever was ordered, is also provided.
With its small size, fully integrated design, cooled CCD and temperature control,
advanced exposure control timing, and sophisticated readout capabilities, the MicroMAX
system is well suited to both general macro imaging and microscopy applications.