116 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
Data Overrun Due to Hardware Conflict message
Figure 64. Data Overrun Due to Hardware Conflict dialog box
If this dialog box appears when you try to acquire a test image, acquire data, or run in
focus mode, check the CCD array size and then check the DMA buffer size. You may
need to increase the DMA setting.
To change the DMA buffer setting:
1. Note the array
size (on the
Setup|Hardware|Controller/CCD tab page or the
Acquisition|Experiment Setup|Main tab page Full Chip dimensions).
2. Open
Setup|Environment|Environment dialog box.
3. Increase the DMA buffer size to a m
inimum of 32 Mb (64 Mb if it is currently
32 Mb or 128 Mb if it is currently 64 Mb), click on
OK, and close the WinX
4. Reboot y
our computer.
5. Restart the WinX application and begin acquiring data or focusing. If y
ou see
the message again, increase the DMA buffer size.
Data Overrun Has Occurred message
Because of memory constraints and the way that USB transfers data, a "Data overrun has
occurred" message may be displayed during data acquisition. If this message is displayed,
take one or more of the following actions:
1. Minim
ize the number of programs running in the background while you are
acquiring data with the WinX application.
2. Run data acquisition in Safe Mode.
3. A
dd memory.
4. Use binning.
5. Increase the exposure tim
6. Defragm
ent the hard disk.
7. Update the Orange Micro USB2 driver. See "To Update the OrangeUSB
USB 2.0 Driver", page 32.
If the problem persists, your application may be USB 2.0 bus limited. Since the host
puter controls the USB 2.0 bus, there may be situations where the host computer
interrupts the USB 2.0 port. In most cases, the interrupt will go unnoticed by the user.
However, there are some instances when the data overrun cannot be overcome because
USB 2.0 bus limitations combined with long data acquisition times and/or large data sets
increase the possibility of an interrupt while data is being acquired. If your experiment
requirements include long data acquisition times and/or large data sets, your application may