13 – Command Reference
Show Port
13-132 59183-01 A
RxOfflineSeq Number of offline sequences received. An OLS is issued for
link initialization, a Receive & Recognize Not_Operational
(NOS) state, or to enter the offline state.
ShortFramesIn Number of incidents when one or more frames are received
that are less than the minimum size.
SymbolicName Port symbolic name
SyncStatus Synchronization status
TestFaultCode Fault code from the most recent port test
TestStatus Status from the most recent port test
TotalErrors Total number of errors detected.
TotalLinkResets Total number of link resets.
TotalLIPsRecvd Number of loop initialization primitive frames received by this
TotalLIPsXmitd Number of loop initialization primitive frames transmitted by
this port.
TotalOfflineSeq Total number of Offline Sequences issued and received by this
TotalRxFrames Total number of frames received by this port.
TotalRxWords Total number of words received by this port.
TotalTxFrames Total number of frames issued by this port.
TotalTxWords Total number of words issued by this port.
TxLinkResets Number of Link Resets issued by this port.
TxOfflineSeq Number of Offline Sequences issued by this port.
XmitterEnabled Transmitter status
Table 13-26. Show Port Parameters (Continued)
Entry Description