3 – User Account Configuration
Creating User Accounts
59183-01 A 3-3
Creating User Accounts
A user account consists of an account name, an authority level, and an expiration
date. The account name can be up to 15 characters and must begin with an
alphanumeric character. The authority level grants admin authority (true) or
denies it (false). The expiration date sets the date when the user account expires.
Only the Admin user account can create user accounts.
The following example creates a new user account named user1 with admin
authority that expires in 100 days.
SANbox (admin) #> user add
Press 'q' and the ENTER key to abort this command.
account name (1-15 chars) : user1
account password (8-20 chars) : *******
please confirm account password: *******
set account expiration in days (0-2000, 0=never): [0] 100
should this account have admin authority? (y/n): [n] y
OK to add user account 'user1' with admin authority
and to expire in 100 days?
Please confirm (y/n): [n] y