5 – Switch Configuration
Displaying Switch Information
5-2 59183-01 A
Switch Operational Information
The Show Switch command displays a variety of switch operational information.
These include the switch WWN, domain ID, firmware version, administrative state,
and operational state as shown in the following example:
SANbox #> show switch
Switch Information
SymbolicName SANbox
SwitchWWN 10:00:00:c0:dd:00:bc:56
BootVersion Vx.x.x.x-0 (day month date time year)
CreditPool 0
DomainID 19 (0x13)
FirstPortAddress 130000
FlashSize - MBytes 128
LogFilterLevel Critical
MaxPorts 20
NumberOfSwitchResets 15
ReasonForLastReset PowerUp
ActiveImageVersion - build date Vx.x.x.0 (day month date time year)
PendingImageVersion - build date Vx.x.x.0 (day month date time year)
ActiveConfiguration default
AdminState Online
AdminModeActive False
Beacon Off
OperationalState Online
PrincipalSwitchRole False
BoardTemp (1) - Degrees Celsius 32
SwitchDiagnosticsStatus Passed
SwitchTemperatureStatus Normal