6. Choose the start time and stop time from the select boxes. If a user works a shift that spans
midnight you will have to enter two duty schedules. One from the start of the shift till
midnight, and the second on the next day from midnight till the end of the shift. Then, using
the duty schedule fields you have just added, create a duty schedule from the start time to 2359
on one day, and enter a second duty schedule which begins at 0000 and ends at the end of that
user’s coverage.
7. Click save.
Figure 124 Edit, delete, or reset a duty schedule
8. To remove configured duty schedules, put a √ next to the schedule and click delete selected
9. To edit a schedule, click edit and re-enter the schedule.
Configure Categories
Configure categories to define specific groups of systems and/or services in rules that will be
used in the user interface, reports, and availability calculations. Categories are logical groupings
of devices, based on filters that you create. CC-NOC provides these default categories:
Category Description
DNS & DHCP Servers
Includes all managed interfaces which are running either
DNS (name resolution) or DHCP servers.
Database Servers
Includes all managed interfaces which are currently
running PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLserver, MySQL,
Informix, or Sybase database servers.
Email Servers
Includes all managed interfaces that are running an
Email service, including SMTP, POP3, or IMAP. This
includes MS Exchange Servers running these protocols.
Internet Connectivity
Reflects the ability to ‘ping’ the router at the ISP-end of
your Internet connection.
Network Interfaces
Reflects the ability to ‘ping’ managed devices. Ping uses
the ICMP protocol, tests the network connectivity and
availability of a device.
Overall Service
Reflects availability of all services currently being
Includes all routers that were discovered via SNMP.
Note that not all routers not support SNMP, so not all
routers may be included in this category. The service
availability is based on the ICMP service for the routers.