
8. Specify an outage window. For outage windows that are set to Recurring Weekly, you cannot
specify outages that start on one day of the week and end on a different day. In these cases
where the outage spans 12:00 AM (Midnight), you should create two outages, one that ends
at 11:59 PM and another that begins at 12:00 AM on the following day. Even though there
appears to be a one minute gap between these outage spans, that is not the case. The outage
will be processed seamlessly.
9. Click add.
Configure Pollers
This page allows you to determine which of the default pollers, that is, the monitors that exercise
your web servers, email servers, etc. and create service down messages should be running on your
system. Also configurable is their behavior, for example, poll attempt timeouts, retry attempts, etc.
Additionally, you can create your own pollers for custom or niche applications you may be
running in your environment.
Note: The SNMP poller is disabled by default because in most cases, the availability of SNMP
data is not integral to the core business of a company, thus it is excluded from availability
calculations. Even if this poller is disabled, SNMP performance collection will still take place
and the SNMP graphs for statistics like network traffic and disk usage will be updated. If the
SNMP service experiences an outage, it may cause gaps in these graphs when data is unavailable
but the outage will not affect your availability statistics.
1. Click on the Admin tab in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Network Management Configuration.
3. Click Configure Pollers.
Figure 12 Configure Pollers
The Active column shows the current status of the poller. If the active field is checked, the
poller will be scanned in the next poller rescan.
The Poller Name column shows the name of each service in the poller configuration.
The Protocol column shows the communications protocol used for polling each service.
The Port column shows the ports at which the service will be polled.
This panel also allows the admin user to configure polling intervals, the timeout period
between retries, and number of retries before an outage is declared. Adjusting polling