4. Each time you adjust the performance thresholds, click save thresholds to commit the
5. You can also click reset to restore the threshold values to their pre-set condition.
Configure Outage Report
This page allows you to view and modify the working business hours and days for the Outage
Report. The Outage Report generates two availability percentages:
• One for total availability during the entire week
• Another for availability during business hours
You can edit the time period that is used to calculate the business hours availability by changing
the data in the fields in this page.
1. Click on the Admin tab in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Network Management Configuration.
3. Click Configure Outage Report.
Figure 16 Configure Outage Report
4. Type business hours in 24-hour (military) format.
5. Using the check boxes, select the working days you wish to include in the report.
6. Click apply changes.
7. Click Outage Report in the right-hand side of the page to generate a report.
Figure 17 Navigating to Outage Report