Edit Performance Thresholds (Per Device)
In addition to configuring performance values per category–see section Configure Performance
Thresholds earlier in this chapter, you can also configure performance thresholds on a per-device
basis. Per-device thresholds will override those set per category.
Note: Performance thresholds can be configured on a per-device basis only for devices with
Infrastructure, Server, or Promoted Workstation licenses.
1. Click Search under Device Search in the left-hand corner of the Home page.
2. Click on the IP address of a device with an Infrastructure or Server license.
3. At the top of the window, click Edit Thresholds.
4. This window is displayed.
Figure 34 Configure Performance Thresholds (Per-Device)
The current values at which SNMP, ICMP, HTTP, and/or Windows (WMI) performance metrics
are considered problematic and events are generated for this particular device are listed in the
window. You have complete control over these thresholds, including their value, their re-arm
values, and the number of consecutive data samples (e.g., "triggers") which must be exceeded
before an event is generated.
5. Enter values for Value, Rearm At, and Trigger.
• The Value column indicates the threshold, which varies by metric, at which an alarm
condition of either “high” or “low” exists, depending upon the metrics of that performance
• The Rearm At column is an indicator of the value at which the threshold alarm will reset,
after it has detected an alarm condition.
• The Trigger column details how many polling cycles the value must be above or below the
Value level to trigger an alarm.
Example: CPU Utilization set at 95.0 Value, 50.0 Rearm, and Trigger at 3 would issue a “High
Threshold” alarm if the node had 95% or higher CPU usage over 15 minutes (3 5-minute
intervals). If the Value dropped below 50% either during or after the initial Trigger, then the
alarm would reset and a new alarm would be issued if the same conditions reappeared.
Note: If the threshold is of type High, the value must be greater than or equal to the Rearm At
value. If the threshold is of type Low, the value must be less than or equal to the Rearm At value.
6. Each time you adjust the performance thresholds, click save thresholds to commit the
7. You can also click reset to restore the threshold values to their pre-set condition.