3. Click Delete Traffic Analysis Performance Information.
Figure 55 Delete Traffic Analysis Performance Data
4. Choose the appliance on which to delete the performance data.
5. Click delete.
Install CC-NOC License
This page allows you to upload a new license file to the CC-NOC. You were asked to do this
during installation of the CC-NOC or when configuring the network – see Raritan’s
CommandCenter NOC Deployment Guide). If you have not yet received the appliance license,
please contact Technical Support.
1. Click on the Admin tab in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Install CommandCenter NOC License.
Figure 56 Install a new License File
3. Click Install CommandCenter NOC License.
4. Click Browse to choose the license file.
5. Click load this license file to view the license information.
6. If the license file is the one you want to upload, click install this license under the New
License box to upload it to the CC-NOC.
7. If you have a license already installed and would like to continue using it, click the keep this
license under the Current License box.