AX2500/2850 Quick Start
14 AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.7. February 1, 2005
Important Warning
The controller includes large capacitors. When connecting the Motor Power Cables,
a spark will be generated at the connection point. This is a normal occurrence and
should be expected.
Using the Power Control Wire
The AX2500/2850 includes a DC/DC converter that will generate a 12V internal supply from
the main +12 to +40V battery. As a result, the controller will turn On as soon as its Battery
Wires (thick red and black wires) are connected to the battery.
In order to turn On and Off the controller without the need for a bulky and expensive
switch or relay on the high current wires, the AX2500/2850 uses a Power Control wire to
enable or disable the internal DC/DC converter. When left unconnected, the DC/DC con-
verter is On. When grounded, the DC/DC converter is Off.
The Power Control wire can also be used to feed a separate supply to the controller so that
it will continue to operate if and when the main batteries’ voltage dips below 12V. The table
below shows the various functions of the Power Control input. See “Connecting Power”
on page 25 for more details on the use and operation of the Power Control signal.
Connecting the R/C Radio
Connect the R/C adapter cables to the controller on one side and to two or three channels
on the R/C receiver on the other side. The third channel is for activating the accessory out-
puts and is optional.
When operating the controller in “Separate” mode, the wire labelled Ch1 controls Motor1,
and the wire labelled Ch2 controls Motor2.
When operating the controller in “Mixed” mode, Ch1 is used to set the robot’s speed and
direction, while Ch2 is used for steering.
See “R/C Operation” on page 69 of the User’s Manual for a more complete discussion on
R/C commands, calibration and other options.
TABLE 1. Use of Power Control wire
Power Control input connected to Action
Floating Controller is On
Ground Controller is Off
Separate 12V to 40V supply Controller is On. Controller will draw power from
the Power Control wire if main battery voltage
dips below 12V.