AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual 95
RS232 Commands Set
Query Heatsink Temperatures
This query will cause the controller to return values based on the temperature measured
by internal thermistors located at each heatsink side of the controller. Because NTC ther-
mistors are non-linear devices, the conversion or the read value into a temperature value
requires interpolation and a look up table. Figure 35 on page 63 shows this correlation.
Sample conversion software code is available from Roboteq upon request. The values are
unsigned Hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0 to 255. The lowest read value represents
the highest temperature.
Syntax: ?m or ?M
Reply: nn
Where: nn = thermistor 1 read value
mm = thermistor 2 read value
The hexadecimal format is intended to be deciphered by a microcontroller. When exercis-
ing the controller manually, you may use the Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion table on
page 103.
Query Battery Voltages
This query will cause the controller to return values based on two internally measured volt-
ages: the first is the Main Battery voltage present at the thick red and black wires. The sec-
ond is the internal 12V supply needed for the controller’s microcomputer and MOSFET
drivers. The values are unsigned Hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0 to 255. To convert
these numbers into a voltage figure, use the formulas described in “Internal Voltage Moni-
toring Sensors” on page 62.
Syntax: ?e or ?E
Reply: nn
Where: nn = main battery voltage value
mm = internal 12V voltage value
The hexadecimal format is intended to be deciphered by a microcontroller. When exercis-
ing the controller manually, you may use the Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion table on
page 103.
Query Digital Inputs
This query will cause the controller to return the state of the controller’s two accessory
inputs (inputs E and F) and the state of the Emergency Stop/Inverted input. See “Connect-
ing Sensors and Actuators to Input/Outputs” on page 49 for information on how to wire
and use these signals. The returned values are three sets of two digits with the values 00
(to indicate a 0 or Off state), or 01 (to indicate a 1 or On state).
Syntax: ?i or ?I