Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation
94 AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.7. February 1, 2005
exercising the controller manually, you may use the Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion
table on page 103.
Query Amps Consumed by Motors
This query will cause the controller to return the actual number of Amps being consumed
by each motor. The number is an unsigned Hexadecimal number ranging from 0 to 256 (0
to FF in Hexadecimal).
Syntax: ?a or ?A
Reply: nn
Where: nn = motor 1 Amps
mm = motor 2 Amps
The Amps measurement has a 10% (worse case) precision. Its main purpose is to provide
feedback to the controller’s current limitation circuitry.
The hexadecimal format is intended to be deciphered by a microcontroller. When exercis-
ing the controller manually, you may use the Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion table on
page 103.
Query Analog Inputs
This query will cause the controller to return the values of the signals present at its two
analog inputs. If the controller is used in close-loop speed mode with analog feedback, the
values represent the actual speed measured by the tachometer. When used in position
mode, the values represent the actual motor position measured by a potentiometer. In all
other modes, the values represent the measured voltage (0 to 5V) applied to the analog
inputs. The values are signed Hexadecimal numbers ranging from -127 to +127. The -127
value represents 0V at the input, the 0 value represents 2.5V, and the +127 value repre-
sents +5V.
Syntax: ?p or ?P
Reply: nn
Where: nn = analog input 1 value, speed or position
mm = analog input 2 value, speed or position
The command returns a signed hexadecimal number where 0 to +127 is represented by 00
to 7F, and -1 to -127 is represented by FF to 80 respectively. The hexadecimal format is
intended to be deciphered by a microcontroller. When exercising the controller manually,
you may use the Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion table on page 103.