AX2500/2850 Motor Controller User’s Manual 97
Optical Encoder Commands
All parameters and values are expressed with 2 hexadecimal digits
No changes will be made and an error will be reported (“-” character) when attempting to
read or write a parameter that does not exist or when attempting to store a parameter with
an invalid value.
Apply Parameter Changes
Many parameters will take effect only after the controller is reset. This command can be
used (instead of resetting the controller) to cause these parameters to take effect immedi-
Syntax: ^FF
Reply: + Success, changed parameters are now active
- if error
Reset Controller
This command allows the controller to be reset in the same manner as if the reset button
was pressed. This command should be used in exceptional conditions only or after chang-
ing the controller’s parameters in Flash memory so that they can take effect.
Syntax: %rrrrrr
Reply: None. Controller will reset and display prompt message
Optical Encoder Commands
The Optical Encoder included inside the AX2850 responds to its own command set
described at “RS232 Encoder Command Set” on page 142.
Commands Acknowledge and Error Messages
The AX2500/2850 will output characters in various situations to report acknowledgements
or error conditions as listed below.
Character Echo
At the most fundamental level, the AX2500/2850 will echo back to the PC or Microcontrol-
ler every valid character it has received. If no echo is received, one of the following is
• the controller is not in the RS232 mode
• the controller is Off
• the controller may be defective