
Using the Roborun Configuration Utility
172 AX2500/2850 Motor Controller Users Manual Version 1.7. February 1, 2005
Viewing and Logging Data in Analog and R/C Modes
When the controller is configured in R/C or Analog mode, it will automatically and continu-
ously send a string of ASCII characters on the RS232 output. Analog and R/C Modes Data
Logging String Format on page 102 shows the nature and format of this data.
This feature makes it possible to view and log the controllers internal parameters while it
is used in the actual application. The data may be captured using a PC connected to the
controller via an RS232 cable or wireless modem.
When wired for R/C or Analog controls, the AX2500/2850 will not be able to receive com-
mands from the PC and the Roborun software will not recognize the controller as being
present. However, when in the Run tab and the Run button activated, Roborun will be
receiving the strings sent by the controller and display the various parameters in the right
display box and chart.
Loading and Saving Profiles to Disk
It is possible to save the configuration parameters that are read from the controller or that
have been set/changed using the various menus to the disk. This function will let you easily
recall various operating profiles at a later time without having to remember or manually
reset all the parameters that are used from one configuration to another.
To save a profile to disk, simply click on the Save Profile to Disk button. You will then be
prompted to choose a file name and save.
Reading a profile from disk is as simple as clicking on the Load Profile from Disk button
and selecting the desired profile file. The parameters will be loaded in each of their respec-
tive buttons, sliders and text fields on the various Roborun screens. The parameter will
not be transferred to the controller until you press the Save to Controller button.
Operating the AX2500/2850 over a Wired or Wireless LAN
The Roborun utility supports connection and operation of the AX2500/2850 controller over
a Wired or Wireless TCP/IP network. This feature makes it easy to tele-operate and moni-
tor the controller across a lab, of across the globe via Internet.