Adjusting a screen image (at transmitter)
Connect to the web page of the transmitter to adjust a screen image appropriate
for the player.
If you are sure of what value to set for screen image, click Video/Audio/Data under
Conguration and congure each setting. If you are not sure what values to set,
you can use the auto-adjustment feature to automatically adjust the screen image.
The use of the auto-adjustment function is described below:
Output a still image (white or any other light color) from the player.
You can use the default values, however, if you want to make better
adjustment, access the Video/Audio/Data Conguration page by clicking
Video/Audio/Data under Conguration, and enter the following values.
Gain 32
Oset 160
Filter 15
Select Video/Audio under Tools and click the Start button next to
Maintenance screen mode. Click the Stop button to take eect.
Select Video/Audio under Tools and click the Start button next to Video
signal auto conguration. Auto-adjustment will begin. If the video signal is
not scanned correctly or an error occurs, congure it manually.