3.Monitor and Maintenance
Name Details
Capture Timing
Vertical frequency / (1+x) = FPS
Example: 60[Hz]/(1+[capture timing]2)= 20[fps]
Gain R Adjust a red gain.
Gain G Adjust a green gain.
Gain B Adjust a blue gain.
Filter R Adjust a red lter.
Filter G Adjust a green lter.
Filter B Adjust a blue lter.
Oset R Adjust a red oset.
Oset G Adjust a green oset.
Oset B Adjust a blue oset.
H.Position Specify a horizontal position.
H Width
Specify a width of horizontal synchronization signal by dot clock.
H Period Specify a period for horizontal synchronization by dot clock.
V.Position Specify a vertical position.
V Width
Specify a width of vertical synchronization signal by
horizontal synchronization signal.
V Period
Specify a period for vertical synchronization signal by
horizontal synchronization signal.
PLLGAIN_H Specify the PLLGAIN VCO Range.
PLLGAIN_L Specify the PLLGAIN Charge Pump Current.
Specify the ADC PLL Divider ratio. Usually, equivalent to the
value of H.Period minus one.
CLPDLY Specify the Clamp Pulse Delay.
CLPDUR Specify the Clamp Pulse width.
HSOPW Specify a pulse width of ADC HSOUT.
SYNC_CTRL Perform a synchronization control.
PHASE_CC Specify the PHASE for image sampling.