Menu Information
CAPTURE GAIN Displays or Congures the Gain value (R/G/B).
You can switch to the conguration screen by pushing [SET] button.
R 128 G 128 B 128 s
Enter a value.
Set the value in the order of R -> G -> B.
Select a value by pushing [ + ] and [ - ] buttons and determine it by pushing
[SET] button. When one value is determined, the cursor will move to the
other. When the cursor came to "s", push [SET] button to save the settings.
CAPTURE OFFSET Displays or Congures the Oset value (R/G/B).
You can switch to the conguration screen by pushing [SET] button.
R 128 G 128 B 128 s
Enter a value.
Set the value in the order of R -> G -> B.
Select a value by pushing [ + ] and [ - ] buttons and determine it by pushing
[SET] button. When one value is determined, the cursor will move to the
other. When the cursor came to "s", push [SET] button to save the settings.
HORIZONTAL POS Displays or Congures the horizontal position (P: Position, W: Width, E: Period)
You can switch to the conguration screen by pushing [SET] button.
P 50 W 50 E 50 s
Enter a value.
Set the value in the order of Position -> Width -> Period.
Each can be a value from 0 to 100, with 50 being the center, less than 50
being minus, and greater than 50 being plus.
Select a value by pushing [ + ] and [ - ] buttons and determine it by pushing
[SET] button. When one value is determined, the cursor will move to the
other. When the cursor came to "s", push [SET] button to save the settings.
PHASE_CC Displays or Congures the PHASE_CC settings.
You can switch to the conguration screen by pushing [SET] button.
-> 0 | . . . . . . . . .
Enter a value.
Select a value by pushing [ + ] and [ - ] buttons and save it by pushing [SET]
BUFFER LEVEL Displays the value for retransmission buer.