MVDS X-1 User's Guide
Parameter name Description Value range Default value
H.Position Oset Save the oset value for H.Position
setting that you may have congured
from LCD menu.
0 - 100 50 * -
H.Width Oset Save the oset value for H.Width
setting that you may have congured
from LCD menu.
0 - 100 50 * *
H.Period Oset Save the oset value for H.Period
setting that you may have congured
from LCD menu.
0 - 100 50 * *
H.Back Porch Oset Save the oset value for
H.Back Porch
setting that you may have congured
from LCD menu.
0 - 100 50 - *
V.Position Oset Save the oset value for V.Position
setting that you may have congured
from LCD menu.
0 - 100 50 * -
V.Width Oset Save the oset value for V.Width
setting that you may have congured
from LCD menu.
0 - 100 50 * *
V.Period Oset Save the oset value for V.Period
setting that you may have congured
from LCD menu.
0 - 100 50 * *
V.Back Porch Oset Save the oset value for
V.Back Porch
setting that you may have congured
from LCD menu.
0 - 100 50 - *
PLLGAIN_H Specify the PLLGAIN VCO Range.
0 : 8-72MHz
1 : 16-144MHz
2 : 16-144MHz
3 : 24-215MHz
1 * -
Specify the PLLGAIN Charge Pump
0 - 7 6 * -
Specify the ADC PLL Divider ratio.
Usually, equivalent to the value of
H.Period minus one.
0 - 65535 1687 * -
CLPDLY Specify the Clamp Pulse Delay. 0 - 255 8 * -
CLPDUR Specify the Clamp Pulse width. 0 - 255 32 * -
HSOPW Specify a pulse width of ADC HSOUT. 0 - 255 96 * -
SYNC_CTRL Perform a synchronization control. 0 - 255 64 * -
PHASE_CC Specify the PHASE for image sampling. 0 - 255 0 * -
Baudrate Specify a baudrate.
300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, 14400, 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200
19200 * *
Bit length Specify a bit length. 8, 7 8 * *
Stop bit Specify a stop bit. 1, 2 1 * *
Parity Specify a parity check method. None, Odd, Even None * *
Flow control Specify a ow control method. None, XON/XOFF, RTS/CTS None * *
Data Timeout
Specify a serial input timeout by
50-1000 100 * *
Buer level
Specify the number of buer for
16 - 64 64 * *
Node List Method Specify a node search method. Dynamic, Static Dynamic * *
Static Node 0 - 7
Specify an IP address for node when
Node List Method is set to Static.
IP Address * *