A-1 Conguration item list
The below is the list of conguration item:
Parameter name Description Value range Default value
Host Name Set a host name. Up to 15 characters
"TX" plus the last
6 digits of the
Mac Add ress,
or the value of
rotary switch
"RX" plus the
last 6 digits of
the Mac Address,
or the value of
rotary switch
* *
Root password Set passwords for Web and Telnet. Up to 7 characters None * *
LCD Contrast Set a contrast for LCD. 0 - 8 (0:Darkest, 8: Lightest) 3 * -
Menu idle timeout Set the amount of time before the LCD
menu returns to the initial screen
when it is idle. (1=10sec)
0 - 60 18 * -
PIN CODE Set a PIN CODE to enter into ADMIN
0 - 9999 0000 * -
IP Address Set an IP Address. IP Address * *
Subnet Mask Set a Subnet Mask. IP Address * *
Default Gateway Set a Default Gateway. IP Address * *
Wireless Interface Enable/Disable the Wireless. ENABLE, DISABLE DISABLE * *
Wireless Mode Select the Wireless connection mode. AdHoc, Infra. AdHoc * *
SSID Specify the SSID. 1 - 32 characters mvds * *
Ch Auto Search
Enable/Disable an available channel
auto-search function.
Channel Specify a Channel to use.
(When the location is US:)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64,
149, 153, 157, 161, 165
1 * *
Data Rate Specify a transmission bit rate.
AUTO, 6Mbps, 9M bps,
12Mbps, 18Mbps, 24Mbps,
36Mbps, 48Mbps, 54Mbps
36Mbps * *
Network Authentication Specify an authentication method. Open, Shared, WPA, WPA2 Open * *
SSID Broadcast Enable/Disable SSID Broadcast. ON, OFF ON * -
WEP Enable/Disable the WEP. OFF, ON OFF * *
Key Index Specify an index number for WEP key. 1 - 4 1 * *
Key Size Specify a key length for WEP key. 64bit, 128bit 64bit * *
WEP Key 1
Specify the WEP key.
When 64bit key is specied:
10 hexadecimal characters or
5 ASCII characters.
When 128bit key is specied:
26 hexadecimal characters or
13 ASCII characters.
None * *
WEP Key 2
WEP Key 3
WEP Key 4
WPA Encryption Mode Select an encryption mode of WPA. TKIP, AES, AUTO AUTO * *