Rx100 installation manual V1.17 29 Aug 08.doc Page 15
BBV Rx100 Interface Receiver
Addendum to manual for the following domes:
Borsatec BT2790FF Dome
Rx100 software RX1_B3V2
Application Notes
The RX100 provides the following functionality when controlling the above mentioned dome:
Variable speed Pan/Tilt.
16 Full scene presets.
2 RX100 preset patrols.
Pattern 1 learn and playback
2 preset patrols.
4 alarm inputs moving to preset 1 - 4
Additional commands:
Advanced Features Tx400 Tx1000 Tx1500 DM DS/DS2/BX2 Mux
Dome MENU ‘#’ 1 '#' WASH 1 ’#’ *889 002 or *889 10 10 2
(Preset 95)
Start Patten 1 ‘#’ 2 '#' WIPE 2 ’#’ *889 003 or *889 10 10 3
(Preset 81)
B L C. On OFF ‘#’ 3 '#' AUTOPAN 3 ’#’ *889 004 or *889 10 10 4
(Preset 93)
DAY NIGHT MODE ‘#’ 4 ‘#’ LIGHTS 4 ‘#’ *889 005 or *889 10 10 5
(Preset 152)
AUTOPAN calls scan - goto preset 66
LIGHTS operates the dome AUX 1 relay - goto preset 94
WIPER Disabled
WASH Disabled
RS485 control of dome using the following connections:
Rx100 Description Dome
J3-C1 TX/RX- Data- RX -
J3-C2 TX/RX+ Data+ RX+
The alarm output relay opens for approx 5 seconds upon power up. This can be used to signal power loss, etc.
Set the Dome address to 1, SW1 1 ON, 2-8 OFF
Protocol - Protocol and Baud, SW2 1-7 OFF, 8 ON, Pelco D - 2400 Baud
Shorting the TEST link after power up will pan the dome LEFT and ZOOM IN. Releasing the short will stop pan and zoom out. This is allows confirmation of
correct wiring and switch settings at the dome.
Link J6/3-4 – Dome enters preset patrol after 5minutes of inactivity. Link J6/4-5 disabled.