
134 Sun Enterprise 220R Server Owner’s Guide October 1999
How to Check Whether SunVTS
Software Is Installed
Before You Begin
SunVTS software is an optional package that may or may not have been loaded
when your system software was installed.
To check whether SunVTS software is installed, you must access your system either
from a console window or from a terminal (see “About Communicating With the
Server” on page 28), or from a remote machine logged in to the system.
What to Do
1. Type the following:
If SunVTS software is loaded, information about the package will be displayed.
If SunVTS software is not loaded, you’ll see an error message:
2. If necessary, use the pkgadd utility to load the SUNWvts package onto your system
from the Sun Update CD.
Note that /opt/SUNWvts is the default directory for installing SunVTS software.
What Next
For more information, refer to the appropriate Solaris documentation, as well as the
pkgadd reference manual page.
% pkginfo -l SUNWvts
ERROR: information for "SUNWvts" was not found