
Chapter 1 System Overview 5
Opening the system’s front doors provides access to the system’s configured hot-
swappable internal disk drives or redundant power supplies.
The illustration below shows the additional accessible features with system front
doors open.
Systems may be configured with one or two power supplies, and one or two disk
drives either of which is accessible when the system front doors are open. Each
power supply has an LED that displays the AC power, DC power, and fault status of
the supply. Power supplies are accessible only to qualified service providers. See
“Power Supply LEDs” on page 141 for operational details of the LEDs.
Each disk drive has an LED indicating that power is supplied to the drive and that
there is activity on the disk. For additional information see “Disk LEDs” on
page 142.
disk drives
Power supply
Internal disk
drive LEDs
Power supply LED display
Power supply 2
Power supply 1
Power supply LED display