The Sun Enterprise 220R Server Owner’s Guide answers your questions about setting
up and running the Sun Enterprise™ 220R server. Features and options, setup and
installation, troubleshooting, and network administration information for the Sun
Enterprise 220R server are covered in this manual.
With the exception of internal disk drives in the Sun Enterprise 220R server, all other
component or part installation or replacement is to be performed by qualified service
This manual presents information in a modular format designed to answer the type
of questions that you might ask while installing, configuring, and using the Sun
Enterprise 220R server. Look at the module headings and you’ll find the cue words
that direct you to the categories of questions and answers, such as:
■ How to . . . How do I do something?
■ About . . . Is there more information about this topic?
■ Reference for . . . Where can I find reference material for something?
You determine how much or how little of the information you need to read.
Using the table of contents, and the information or task list on the first page of each
chapter, and the index you can quickly find a specific topic or task. The information
modules are brief; however, they are interrelated and refer you to other modules that
you may want or need to read. For instance, if you’re installing a disk drive and
you’re already familiar with the task, you could go to “How to Install a Disk Drive”
and follow the installation procedure. But if you need more background information
before performing the task, you should first read “About Disk Drives.”