
Index 176 Sun Enterprise 220R Server Owner’s Guide October 1999
damage, preventing
electrostatic, 66, 90
to tape cartridges, 110
device trees, rebuilding, 99
diag-level configuration parameter, 128
diagnostics, 117 to 153
See also POST diagnostics, OBDiag, SunVTS
available tools, 118
overview of (flowchart), 119
setting the diagnostics level, 131
diag-switch? configuration parameter, 121, 129
dimensions, See specifications
DIMMs (dual in-line memory modules), See
memory modules
disc, compact, See compact disc
disk configuration
array, 70
concatenation, 71
guidelines, 74 to 75
hot plug, 63, 73, 74
hot spares, 72, 74
mirroring, 63, 70, 74
RAID 0, 63, 72, 74
RAID 1, 63, 71, 74
RAID 5, 63, 72
striping, 63, 72, 74
disk drive, 2
caution, 34, 99
configuration guidelines, 74 to 75
hot plug, 63, 74
installing, 95 to 97
locating drive bays, 4, 74, 75
removing, 92 to 94
troubleshooting, 150
disk LEDs, 5, 142
online, 17
related, xxvi
door lock, 4
drivers, 2
ECC (error correcting code), 62
eeprom command, 148
EIA (electronic industries association), 1
EIA-232D serial communications, 79, 82
EIA-423 serial communications, 79, 82
eject cd command, 104, 106
ejecting a compact disc, 104 to 107
electrostatic damage, preventing, 90
emergency eject (of a compact disc), 108
EPP (enhanced parallel port) protocol, 80
error correcting code (ECC), 3, 62
error messages
correctable ECC error, 62
log file, 138, 142
memory-related, 152
OBDiag, 126
POST diagnostics, 121, 124, 139
/etc/hostname file, 50
/etc/hosts file, 51
Ethernet, 2, 78
See also MII Ethernet port,
twisted-pair Ethernet (TPE) port
adding an interface, 49
as default boot device, 58, 60
booting over main logic board interface, 57
booting over PCI-based interface, 59
characteristics, 78
configuring interface, 16, 47, 78
link integrity test, 48, 147 to 148
MII Ethernet transceiver, attaching, 54
transceivers, 54
transceivers and MII, 78
twisted-pair cable, attaching, 52
using multiple interfaces, 48, 49
external storage, 2
CD-ROM drive, 150
DIMM, 152
disk drive, 150
memory module, 152
network, 147
power supply, 152
power-on, 149
SCSI controller, 151
video output, 149
fault indicators, See status LEDs
FDDI (fiber distributed data interface), See network
flash PROM
jumpers, 83
programming, 83
foot strap, antistatic, 90