Index 179
SCSI (small computer systems interconnect)
bus length, 84, 86
cabling guidelines, 85
configuration guidelines, 84 to 87
connector location, 6
troubleshooting, 151
multi-initiator support, 86
parity protection, 62
target IDs, 84
termination, 85
security features, 7
serial ports, 3
configuring, 82
connecting to, 30
jumpers, 82
location, 6
pin and signal specification, 157
server installation, 13 to 16
server media kit, contents of, 17
setting up a tip connection, 121
shipping (what you should receive), 12
show-devs command, 41, 59
shutdown, 43
software drivers, 2
Solstice DiskSuite, 63, 70, 74
specifications, 155 to 173
connector, 155 to 165
of system, 171
status and control panel, 7
location, 7
status LEDs, 63, 138
behavior during POST, 124
location, 7
meaning, 9
Stop-a keyboard combination, 98, 129, 131
Stop-D keyboard combination, 121, 129
striping of disks, 63, 72, 74
Sun Enterprise SyMON, 118, 137
checking if installed, 134
how to use, 135
overview, 132
system configuration, See hardware configuration
system console, 16
system cover lock, 91
system features, 1 to 3
back panel, 6
front panel, 4
system key, replacing, 4
tape cartridge
ejecting, 113
handling, 110
inserting into drive, 111
magnetic fields and, 110
storing, 110
sunlight and, 110
write-enabling, 111
write-protecting, 111
tape drive
cleaning, 115
controlling with software commands, 114
location, 5
terminal, alphanumeric, 28, 29, 129, 131
terminal, baud verification, 123
test selection panel (SunVTS), 136
tip connection, 28, 121
tip connection, setting up, 121
token ring, See network
TPE (twisted-pair Ethernet) port
attaching twisted-pair cable, 52
location, 6
pin and signal specification, 160
troubleshooting, 117 to 153
See also diagnostics
CD-ROM drive, 150
disk drive, 150
memory, 152
network, 147
power supply, 152
SCSI controller, 151
video output, 149
UltraSCSI (ultra small computer
system interface) port
pin and signal specification, 161
UltraSCSI disk drive, See disk drive