TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
You can use the horizontal controls to change the horizontal scale
and position of waveforms. The horizontal position readout shows
the time represented by the center of the screen, using the time of the
trigger as zero. Changing the horizontal scale causes the waveform to
expand or contract around the screen center.
Options Settings Comments
Main The main horizontal time base setting is
used to display the waveform
Two cursors define a window zone
Adjust the Window Zone with the Horizon-
tal Position and SEC/DIV controls
Window Changes the display to show the wave -
form segment (expanded to screen width)
within the window zone
Trig knob Level*
Selects whether the Trigger Level knob
adjusts the trigger level (volts) or holdoff
time (sec)
The holdoff value is displayed
* For video trigger with sync on a line number, the USER SELECT
(alternative function) knob switches between setting a line
number and Trigger Level.