Operating Basics
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Using the Menu System
The user interface of TDS1000- and TDS2000-series oscilloscopes
was designed for easy access to specialized functions through the
menu structure.
When you push a front-panel button, the oscilloscope displays the
corresponding menu on the right side of the screen. The menu shows
the options that are available when you push the unlabeled option
buttons directly to the right of the screen. (Some documentation may
also refer to the option buttons as screen buttons, side-menu buttons,
bezel buttons, or soft keys.)
The oscilloscope uses four methods to display menu options:
H Page (Submenu) Selection: For some menus, you can use the top
option button to choose two or three submenus. Each time you
push the top button, the options change. For example, when you
push the top button in the SAVE/REC Menu, the oscilloscope
cycles through the Setups and Waveforms submenus.
H Circular List: The oscilloscope sets the parameter to a different
value each time you push the option button. For example, you
can push the CH 1 MENU button and then push the top option
button to cycle through the Vertical (channel) Coupling options.