Appendix A: Specifications
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Oscilloscope Specifications (Cont.)
DC Gain Accuracy ±3% for Sample or Average acquisition mode, 5 V/div to 10 mV/div
±4% for Sample or Average acquisition mode, 5 mV/div and 2 mV/div
DC Measurement
Measurement Type Accuracy
Accuracy, Average
Acquisition Mode
Average of ≥ 16 wave-
forms with vertical position
at zero
±(3% × reading + 0.1 div + 1 mV) when
10 mV/div or greater is selected
Average of ≥ 16 wave-
forms with vertical position
not at zero
±[3% × (reading + vertical position) +
1% of vertical position + 0.2 div]
Add 2 mV for settings from 2 mV/div to
200 mV/div
Add 50 mV for settings from > 200 mV/
Volts Measurement
Average Acquisi-
tion Mode
Delta volts between any
two averages of ≥ 16
waveforms acquired under
same setup and ambient
±(3% × reading + 0.05 div)