TDS2CMA Communications Module
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
RS-232 Settings
To set up the oscilloscope RS-232 interface, follow these steps:
" Options " RS-232.
2. Push the option buttons to match the settings of your ext ernal
device. The next table lists the settings you can change.
NOTE. The oscilloscope stores these settings until you change them,
even if you push the DEFAULT SETUP button.
Option Settings Comments
Set to
Sets the RS-232 interface to factory
defaults (Baud=9600, Flow=hardflag-
ging, EOL String=LF, Parity=None)
Baud 300, 600, 1200,
2400, 4800, 9600,
Sets the data transmission rate
Flow Control Hardflagging, Soft-
flagging, None
Sets data flow control (Softflagging =
Xon/Xoff, Hardflagging = RTS/CTS).
Use hardware flagging when you
transfer binary data
EOL String CR, LF, CR/LF,
Sets the end-of-line terminator sent by
the oscilloscope; the oscilloscope can
receive any EOL string
Parity None, Even, Odd Adds an error check bit (ninth bit) to
each character