Application Examples
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
To activate and display the signals connected to channel 1 and to
channel 2, follow these steps:
1. If the channels are not displayed, push the CH 1 MENU and
CH 2 MENU buttons.
2. Push the AUTOSET button.
To select measurements for the two channels, follow these steps:
1. Push the Measure button to see the Measure Menu.
2. Push the top option button; the Measure 1 Menu appears.
3. Push the Source option button and select CH1.
4. Push the Type option button and select Pk-Pk.
5. Push the Back option button.
6. Push the second option button from the top; the Measure 2 Menu
7. Push the Source option button and select CH2.
8. Push the Type option button and select Pk-Pk.
9. Push the Back option button.
Read the displayed peak-to-peak amplitudes for both channe ls.
10. To calculate the amplifier voltage gain, use these equations:
VoltageGain =
output amplitude
input amplitude
VoltageGain (dB) = 20 x log