Triggering on Waveforms
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Hint: To use the Trigger Bar feature to set the threshold levels on the pulse
train, press DISPLAY ➞ Readout Options (main) ➞ Trigger Bar Style
(side) until Long appears in that menu item.
Note the position of the trigger indicator in Figure 3–45 on page 3–75. Trigger-
ing occurs at the point the pulse returns over the first (lower) threshold going
negative without crossing the second threshold level (upper). The polarity
selected in the Polarity side menu determines the order that the threshold must be
crossed for a runt trigger to occur:
Positive requires that the lower threshold must be first crossed going positive,
then recrossed going negative without the upper threshold being crossed at all.
Negative requires that the upper threshold must be first crossed going negative,
then recrossed going positive without the lower threshold being crossed at all.
Either requires only that either one of the thresholds must be first crossed going
in either direction, then recrossed going in the opposite direction without the
other threshold being crossed at all.
For all three polarity settings, triggering occurs at the point the runt pulse
recrosses its first threshold.
Set the Mode and Holdoff. Mode and holdoff can be set for all standard trigger
types and classes. To set mode and holdoff, refer to Set Mode & Holdoff on
page 3–59. To learn more about trigger mode and holdoff, see Trigger Modes
and Trigger Holdoff on page 3–51.
When you select the pulse class Width, the oscilloscope will trigger on a pulse
narrower (or wider) than some specified range of time (defined by the upper
limit and lower limit). To set up for width triggering, do the following proce-
Select Width Triggering. Press TRIGGER MENU ➞ Type (main) ➞ Pulse
(pop-up) ➞ Class (main) ➞ Width (pop-up).
Select the Source. Press TRIGGER MENU ➞ Type (main) ➞ Pulse
(pop-up) ➞ Source (main) ➞ Ch1, Ch2, Ch3, or Ch4 (side). The source
selected becomes the trigger source for all four trigger classes.
Select the Polarity. Press TRIGGER MENU ➞ Type (main) ➞ Pulse
(pop-up) ➞ Class (main) ➞ Width (pop-up) ➞ Polarity (main) ➞ Positive or
Negative (side).
Trigger Based on
Pulse Width