TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
measurement on another channel, select that channel, and then select the
Figure 2–14: Measure Main Menu and Select Measurement Side Menu
7. Press Positive Width (side) ➞ –more– (side) ➞ Rise Time (side) ➞
Positive Duty Cycle (side).
All four measurements are displayed. Right now, they cover a part of the
graticule area, including the displayed waveforms.
8. To move the measurement readouts outside the graticule area, press CLEAR
MENU. (See Figure 2–15.)
Use the Measure menu to remove waveforms you no longer want. To remove a
measurement individually (you can also remove them, as a group), do the
following step:
1. Press MEASURE ➞ Remove Measrmnt (main) ➞ Measurement 1,
Measurement 2, and Measurement 4 (side) to remove those measurements.
Leave the rise time measurement displayed.
Remove Measurement