TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Main Trigger menu, 3–57, 3–58, 3–64, 3–67, 3–68,
3–72, 3–74, 3–77
AC, 3–58
Accept Glitch, 3–73
AND, 3–66, 3–68
Auto, 3–59
Ch1, Ch2 ..., 3–58, 3–65, 3–68, 3–69, 3–73, 3–74,
3–76, 3–77
Class, 3–76
Pattern, 3–64
Runt, 3–74
Setup/Hold, 3–68
Slew Rate, 3–77
State, 3–67
Class Glitch, 3–72
Clock Source, 3–69
Coupling, 3–58
Data Source, 3–68
DC, 3–58
Define Inputs, 3–65, 3–67, 3–69
Define Logic, 3–66, 3–68
Delta Time, 3–78
Edge, 3–57, 3–58
Either, 3–73, 3–74, 3–77
Falling edge, 3–68, 3–69
Glitch, 3–73
Goes FALSE, 3–66, 3–68
Goes TRUE, 3–66, 3–68
HF Rej, 3–58
Level, 3–60, 3–74, 3–77
LF Rej, 3–58
Mode & Holdoff, 3–59
NAND, 3–66, 3–68
Negative, 3–73, 3–74, 3–77
Noise Rej, 3–58
NOR, 3–66, 3–68
Normal, 3–59
OR, 3–66, 3–68
Polarity, 3–74, 3–77
Polarity and Width, 3–73
Positive, 3–73, 3–74, 3–77
Pulse, 3–57, 3–74, 3–76
Reject Glitch, 3–73
Rising edge, 3–68, 3–69
Runt, 3–74, 3–76
Set Thresholds, 3–65, 3–68
Set to 50%, 3–54, 3–60, 3–74
Set to ECL, 3–60, 3–74, 3–78
Set to TTL, 3–60, 3–74, 3–78
Slope, 3–60
Source, 3–58, 3–73, 3–74, 3–76, 3–77
State, 3–67, 3–68
Thresholds, 3–75, 3–78
Trigger When, 3–66, 3–68, 3–78
True for less than, 3–66
True for more than, 3–66
Type, 3–57, 3–58, 3–76
Logic, 3–64, 3–67, 3–68
Pulse, 3–77
Pulse, 3–74
Type Pulse, 3–72
Width, 3–73
Map Math, Color menu, 3–35
Map Reference, Color menu, 3–35
Math waveform
derivative. See Derivative math waveform
FFT. See FFT math waveform
integral. See Integral math waveform
Math waveforms, 3–144
Disallowed in InstaVu, 3–46
Math, Color menu, 3–35
Math1/2/3, More menu, 3–144
Maximum, 3–89, Glossary–6
Mean, 3–89, Glossary–6
MEASURE button, 3–90
Measure Delay menu
Create Measrmnt, 3–95
Delay To, 3–94
Edges, 3–95
Measure Delay To, 3–94
OK Create Measurement, 3–95
Measure Delay To, Measure Delay menu, 3–94
Measure menu, 3–90, 3–95
Gating, 3–91
High Ref, 3–94
High-Low Setup, 3–92
Histogram, 3–92
Low Ref, 3–94
Mid Ref, 3–94
Mid2 Ref, 3–94
Min-Max, 3–92
Reference Levels, 3–93
Remove Measrmnt, 3–91, 3–95
Select Measrmnt, 3–90, 3–94
Set Levels in % units, 3–93
Snapshot, 3–95
Amplitude, 3–88, Glossary–1
Area, 3–88, Glossary–1
Burst width, 3–88, Glossary–2
Cycle area, 3–88, Glossary–3
Cycle mean, 3–88, Glossary–3
Cycle RMS, 3–88, Glossary–3
Delay, 3–94, Glossary–3
Duty cycle, 2–20, Glossary–6, Glossary–8