TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Fixtured active, E–3
General purpose (high input resistance), E–1
High speed, E–3
High voltage, E–2
Low impedance Zo, E–2
Optical, E–5
Option 23 to add, A–2
Option 26 to add, A–2
P6205 Active, 1–3
Passive, 3–3
Passive voltage, E–1–E–6
Selection, E–1–E–6
Time-to-voltage converter, E–5
Product description, 1–1
Propagation delay, 3–88
Pulse trigger, 3–50, 3–70
definition of classes, 3–70
Pulse triggers, definitions of, 3–71
Pulse, Main Trigger menu, 3–57, 3–74, 3–76
Quantizing, Glossary–8
Rack mounting, A–2
Acquisition, 3–23
Channel, 2–6, 3–8, 3–38
Cursors, 2–6
Edge trigger, 3–57
General purpose knob, 2–6
Logic trigger, 3–64
Measurement, 3–90
Record view, 2–6
Snapshot, 3–95
Time base, 2–6
Trigger, 2–6, 3–55, 3–56
Trigger Level Bar, 3–29
Trigger Point, 3–29
Readout, Cursor, Paired, 3–163
Readout, cursor
H-Bars, 3–149, 3–163, 3–167
Paired cursors, 3–150, 3–168
V-Bars, 3–149, 3–163, 3–168
Readout, Display menu, 3–29, 3–31
Real time sampling, 3–17
Real-time sampling, Glossary–8
Rear panel, 2–5
Recall, Setups, 3–111–3–132
Recall Factory Setup, Save/Recall Setup menu, 3–113
Recall Saved Setup, Save/Recall Setup menu, 3–112
Recalling, Waveforms, 3–114
Record Length, Limit in Hi Res mode, 3–15
Record length, 3–15, Glossary–9
derivative math waveforms, 3–162
integral math waveforms, 3–166
Option 1M, A–2
Record Length, Horizontal menu, 3–15
Record lengths, Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–46
Record View, 2–6, 3–9, 3–13, 3–56
Rectangular window, 3–147
Ref, Color menu, 3–36
Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, File, Save/Recall Waveform
menu, 3–115
Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Reference waveform status,
Reference Indicator, Channel, 3–8
Reference levels, 2–21
Defining for Measure, 3–93
Reference Levels, Measure menu, 3–93
Reference memory, Glossary–9
Reject Glitch, Main Trigger menu, 3–73
Remote communication, 3–128–3–132
Remote operation
Communicating with Remote Instruments, 3–128
Connecting to the GPIB, 3–130
GPIB interface requirements, 3–129
GPIB Protocols, 3–129
Interconnect cabling, 3–130
Preparation for, 3–129
Procedures for, 3–130
Selecting and configuring the port, 3–131
Remove Measrmnt, Measure menu, 3–91, 3–95
Rename, File Utilities menu, 3–118
Repetitive Signal, Acquire menu, 3–24
Reset, How to execute, 3–7–3–48
Reset All Mappings To Factory, Color menu, 3–36
Reset All Palettes To Factory, Color menu, 3–36
Reset Current Palette To Factory, Color menu, 3–36
Reset to Factory Color, Color menu, 3–34
Reset Zoom Factors, Zoom menu, 3–40
Restore Colors, Color menu, 3–36
Ring Bell if Condition Met, Acquire menu, 3–140
Rise time, 2–20, 3–89, Glossary–9
Rising edge, Delayed Trigger menu, 3–85
Rising edge, Main Trigger menu, 3–60, 3–68, 3–69
RLE Color, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
RMS, 3–89, Glossary–9
RS-232, 2–5
RS-232, Port, 3–123, 3–128
RUN/STOP, 3–48
RUN/STOP, Acquire menu, 3–26