TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A User Manual
Edge trigger, 3–50, 3–57, Glossary–3
How to set up, 3–58–3–86
Readout, 3–57
Edge, Main Trigger menu, 3–57, 3–58
Edges, Measure Delay menu, 3–95
Either, Main Trigger menu, 3–73, 3–74, 3–77
empty, Saved waveform status, 3–114
Encapsulated Postscript, 3–121
Enter Char, Labelling menu, 3–118, 3–119
Envelope, Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–46
Envelope acquisition mode, 3–20, 3–48, Glossary–3
Envelope, Acquire menu, 3–23
EPS Color Img, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
EPS Color Plt, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
EPS Mono Img, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
EPS Mono Plt, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
Epson, 3–121
Epson, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
Equivalent time sampling, 3–18, 3–48
Equivalent-time sampling, random, Glossary–3
Factory initialization settings, D–1–D–6
Factory Setup, How to execute, 3–7–3–48
factory, Saved setup status, 3–111
Fall time, 3–88, Glossary–4
Falling edge, Delayed Trigger menu, 3–85
Falling edge, Main Trigger menu, 3–60, 3–68, 3–69
Fast Fourier Transforms, description, 3–144
Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), applications, 3–144
FastFrame, Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–45
FastFrame interactions, 3–48, 3–99
FastFrame Setup, Horizontal menu, 3–47
FastFrame, Horizontal menu, 3–47
FFT frequency domain record, 3–150
defined, 3–151–3–152
length of, 3–152
FFT math waveform, 3–145
acquisition mode, 3–154
aliasing, 3–155
automated measurements of, 3–150
DC correction, 3–153
derivation of, 3–145
displaying phase, 3–147
frequency range, 3–152
frequency resolution, 3–152
interpolation mode, 3–154
magnifying, 3–154
phase display, setup considerations, 3–156
phase suppression, 3–148, 3–157
procedure for displaying, 3–146
procedure for measuring, 3–149
record length, 3–152
reducing noise, 3–154
undersampling, 3–155
zero phase reference, 3–156
FFT time domain record, defined, 3–151
File System, 3–117–3–132
File Utilities menu, 3–117
Confirm Delete, 3–120
Copy, 3–119
Create Directory, 3–119
Delete, 3–118
File Utilities, 3–117
Format, 3–120
Overwrite Lock, 3–120
Print, 3–119
Rename, 3–118
File Utilities, File Utilities menu, 3–117
File Utilities, Save/Recall Setup menu, 3–113
File Utilities, Save/Recall Waveform menu, 3–117
Filter, Display menu, 3–31
Fine Scale, Vertical menu, 3–12
Firmware version, 3–133
Fit to screen, Horizontal menu, 3–15
Fixtured active probes, E–3
FORCE TRIG button, 3–54
Format, File Utilities menu, 3–120
Format, Hardcopy menu, 3–122
Frame Count, Horizontal menu, 3–47
Frame Length, Horizontal menu, 3–47
Frame, Display menu, 3–31
Frame, Horizontal menu, 3–47
Frequency, 2–19, 3–88, Glossary–4
Front Cover removal, 1–5
Front panel, 2–4
Full, Display menu, 3–31
Full, Vertical menu, 3–12
Function, Cursor menu, 3–99, 3–100
Fuse, 1–4, 2–5
Gated Measurements, 3–91, Glossary–4
Gating, Measure menu, 3–91
General purpose (high input resistance) probes, E–1
General purpose knob, 2–7, 2–21, Glossary–4
Glitch trigger, 3–71, Glossary–4
How to set up, 3–72–3–86
Glitch, Main Trigger menu, 3–73
Goes FALSE, Main Trigger menu, 3–66, 3–68