236 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
The ABORt subsystem is a part of the VT1422A's trigger system. ABORt resets the
trigger system from its Wait For Trigger state to its Trigger Idle state.
Subsystem Syntax ABORt
CAUTION ABORT stops execution of a running algorithm. The control output is
left at the last value set by the algorithm. Depending on the process,
this uncontrolled situation could be dangerous. Make certain that the
process is put into a safe state before execution of a controlling
algorithm is halted.
Comments • ABORt does not affect any other settings of the trigger system. When the
INITiate command is sent, the trigger system will respond just as it did before
the ABORt command was sent.
• Related Commands: INITiate[:IMMediate], TRIGger…
• *RST Condition: TRIG:SOUR HOLD
• Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
If INITed, goes to Trigger Idle state.
If scanning and/or running algorithms,
stops and goes to Trigger Idle State.