414 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
Command Quick Reference
:BRIDge[:TYPE] <select>,(@<ch_list>) Set bridge configuration switches on VT1529A/B
:BRIDge[:TYPE]? (@<channel>) Returns the current bridge configuration setting
:CONNect BRIDge | EXCitation,(@<ch_list>) Set switches to sense bridge output or excitation voltage on VT1529A/B
:CONNect? (@<channel>) Returns the current sense setting for the channel specified
:EXCitation <excite_v>,(@<ch_list>) Specifies the Excitation Voltage by channel to the strain EU conversion
:EXCitation? (@<channel>) Returns the Excitation Voltage set for <channel>
:STATe ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>) controls state of excitation supply relay in VT1529A/B to banks of 8 channels
:STATe? (@<channel>) returns state of excitation supply relay ("ON" | "OFF"
:GFACtor <gage_factor>,(@<ch_list>) Specifies the Gage Factor by channel to the strain EU conversion
:GFACtor? (@<channel>) Returns the Gage Factor set for <channel>
:POISson <poisson_ratio>,(@<ch_list>) Specifies the Poisson Ratio by channel to the strain EU conversion
:POISson? (@<channel>) Returns the Poisson Ratio set for <channel>
:UNSTrained <unstrained_v>,(@<ch_list>) Specifies the Unstrained Voltage by channel to the strain EU conversion
:UNSTrained? (@<channel>) Returns the Unstrained Voltage set for <channel>
[:STATe] 1 | 0 | ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>) Configure digital channels to output frequency modulated signal
[:STATe]? (@<channel>) Returns state of channels for FM output
:CONDition (@<ch_list>) Configures channels to output static digital levels
:PULSe (@<ch_list>) Configures channels to output digital pulse(s)
:SQUare (@<ch_list>) Configures channels to output 50/50 duty cycle digital pulse train
:STATe 1 | 0 | ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>) Configure digital channels to output pulse width modulated signal
:STATe? (@<channel
>) Returns state of channels for PW modulated output
:PERiod <period>,(@<ch_list>) Sets pulse period for PW modulated signals
:PERiod? (@<channel>) Returns pulse period for PW modulated signals
:WIDTh <width>,(@<ch_list>) Sets pulse width for FM modulated signals
:WIDTh? (@<channel>) Returns pulse width setting for FM modulated signals
[:AMPLitude] <-offset_v>,(@<ch_list>) Used to correct for bridge offset at dynamic strain connector (Buffered Output)
:OPERation Operation Status Group: Bit assignments; 0=Calibrating, 4=Measuring,
8=Scan Complete, 10=FIFO Half Full, 11=algorithm interrupt
:CONDition? Returns state of Operation Status signals
:ENABle <enable_mask> Bits set to 1 enable status events to be summarized into Status Byte
:ENABle? Returns the decimal weighted sum of bits set in the Enable register
[:EVENt]? Returns weighted sum of bits that represent Operation status events
:NTRansition <transition_mask> Sets mask bits to enable pos. Condition Reg. transitions to Event reg
:NTRansition? Returns positive transition mask value
:PTRansition <transition_mask> Sets mask bits to enable neg. Condition Reg. transitions to Event reg
:PTRansition? Returns negative transition mask value
:PRESet Presets both the Operation and Questionable Enable registers to 0
SCPI Command Quick Reference
Command Description