260 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
Usage CALC:TEMP:THER? 0.0617,5.0
Compute thermistor temperature with
thermistor voltage = 0.0617 V, excitation
voltage = 5.0 V and resistance = 400 kΩ
CALCulate:TEMPerature:TCouple? <type>,<thr_temp>,<volt_array> converts
an array of thermocouple output voltages into temperatures. The thermocouple type
is specified in the <type> parameter and the isothermal reference temperature is
specified in the <thr_temp> parameter. The temperature values are returned in ºC.
This command is available with VXIplug&play driver revision A.01.09 or later
(revision A.01.06 or later of hpe1422_32.dll).
Comments • The <volt_array> is an IEEE-488.2 definite length block of double (float64)
values, which is the array of thermocouple output voltages.
• Returned Value: array of temperatures in ºC. The data type is double (float64).
• Related Commands: CALC:TEMP:THER?
• Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmdTempTC_Q(...)
Usage The following code segment shows the VXIplug&play command sequence:
ViSession vi;
ViStatus errStatus;
ViReal64 degC; /* thermistor temperature */
ViReal64 voltArray[64];
ViReal64 tempArray[64];
ViInt32 howManyRead;
ViString command;
/* set up thermocouple measurement. In command below, channel 10001 is the
thermistor channel and channel 10000 is the excitation voltage used for the
thermistor measurement.
errStatus = hpe1422_cmd(vi, "SENS:REF THER,5000,(@10000),(@10001)");
/* set up thermocouple channels */
errStatus = hpe1422_cmd(vi, "SENS:FUNC:TEMP:POST TC,J,(@10002:10031)");
/* specify thermistor as reference for thermocouples */
Range of
type discrete (string) E | J | T none
thr_temp numeric (float32) -50 to +100 ºC
volt_array see description depends on thermocouple type volts