296 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
The INITiate command subsystem moves the VT1422A from the Trigger Idle State
to the Waiting-For-Trigger State. When initiated, the instrument is ready to receive
one (:IMMediate) or more (depending on TRIG:COUNT) trigger events. On each
trigger, the module will perform one control cycle which includes reading analog and
digital input channels (Input Phase), executing all defined algorithms (Calculate
Phase) and updating output channels (Output Phase). See the TRIGger subsystem to
specify the trigger source and count.
Subsystem Syntax INITiate
INITiate[:IMMediate] changes the trigger system from the Idle state to the Wait-For-
Trigger state. When triggered, one or more (depending on TRIGger:COUNt) trigger
cycles occur and the instrument returns to the Trigger Idle state.
Comments • INIT:IMM clears the FIFO and Current Value Table.
• If a trigger event is received before the instrument is Initiated, a -211 "Trigger
ignored" error is generated.
• If another trigger event is received before the instrument has completed the
current trigger cycle (measurement scan), the Questionable Data Status bit 9
is set and a +3012 "Trigger too fast" error is generated.
• Sending INIT while the system is still in the Wait for Trigger state (already
INITiated) will cause an error -213,"Init ignored."
• Sending the ABORt command send the trigger system to the Trigger Idle state
when the current input-calculate-output cycle is completed.
• If updates are pending, they are made prior to beginning the Input phase.
• When Accepted: Not while INITiated
• Related Commands: ABORt, CONFigure, TRIGger
• *RST Condition: Trigger system is in the Idle state.
• Use VXIplug&play function: hpe1422_initImm(...)
Usage INIT
Both versions same function