Error Messages 459Chapter B
3085 'Algorithm too big.' Algorithm exceeded 46k words
(23k if enabled to swap) or exceeded size specified
in <swap_size>.
3086 'Not enough memory to compile Algorithm.' The
algorithm's constructs are using too much translator
memory. The Agilent/HP E1406 needs more memory.
Try breaking the algorithm into smaller algorithms.
3088 'Too many functions.' Limit is 32 user defined functions.
3089 'Bad Algorithm array index.' Must be from 0 to
(declared size)-1.
3090 'Algorithm Compiler Internal Error.' Call
VXI Technology with details of operation.
3091 'Illegal while not initiated.' Send INIT before this
3092 'No updates in queue.'
3093 'Illegal Variable Type.' Sent ALG:SCAL with identifier
of array, ALG:ARR with scalar identifier,
ALG:UPD:CHAN with identifier that is not a
channel, etc.
3094 'Invalid Array Size.' Must be 1 to 1024.
3095 'Invalid Algorithm Number.' Must be 'ALG1' to
3096 'Algorithm Block must contain termination.'
Must append a null byte to end of algorithm string
within the Block Data.
3097 'Unknown SCP. Not Tested.' May be received if using
a breadboard SCP.
3099 'Invalid SCP for this product.'
3100 'Analog Scan time to big. Too much settling time.'
Count of channels referenced by algorithms combined
with use of SENS:CHAN:SETTLING has attempted to
build an analog Scan List greater than 64 channels.
3101 'Can't define new algorithm while running.'
Execute ABORT, then define algorithm.
3102 'Need ALG:UPD before redefining this algorithm again.'
Already have an algorithm swap pending for this