Unity 4600 User’s Manual
www.wegener.com 7 800032-01 Rev. F
DVB-QPSK Receiver with 4-Port RF Switch Option
Switched RF Inputs
Input Impedance 75Ω unbalanced
Isolation, port-to-port > 45 dB, 950-1450 MHz
> 40 dB, 1450-2150 MHz
Input VSWR, 75-Ω system, selected port < 2.6:1 (7 dB R.L. min), 950-1450 MHz
Not guaranteed, 1450-2150 MHz
Input VSWR, 75-Ω system, unselected port < 2.0:1 (10 dB R.L min), 950-1450 MHz
Not guaranteed, 1450-2150 MHz
RF Tuning Same as QPSK option described above
Demodulator/FEC Same as QPSK option described above
LNB DC Power Supplied on separate 2-pin header. Performance otherwise the same
as QPSK option described above
Turbo PSK Receiver Option, Broadcom Protocols
RF Input
Input Impedance 75Ω unbalanced
Input VSWR, 75-Ω system <1.9:1 (10 dB R.L. min), 950-1450 MHz
< 1.9:1 (10 dB R.L. min), 1450-2150 MHz
Surge Resistance Guaranteed survival from up to 10 direct-coupled 8kV discharges (per
IEC 801-2) whether port is selected or not
RF Tuning
Input Frequency Range 950 to 2150 MHz
LO Leakage at Input ≤ -60 dBm
Symbol-rate Range 1 to 30 Msps (may be limited by Transport Rate limits)
Tuning Resolution 10 kHz
Input Signal Level Range -25 to -65 dBm
Signal Level Warning Limits warns within +10/-5 dB of upper limit and +5/-10 dB of lower limit
Maximum Aggregate Input Power 0 dBm max
Modulation 1. DVB-QPSK (α =.35) per EN 300 421
2. Advanced "Turbo-QPSK" (α =.20 default; R=½, ¾) per Broadcom
proprietary protocol
3. Advanced "Turbo-8PSK" (α =.20 default; R=2/3, 5/6, 8/9) per
Broadcom proprietary protocol. [R=¾ Type I and II; contact
4. Advanced "Turbo-16QAM" (α =.20 default; R=¾) per Broadcom
proprietary protocol
Carrier acquisition range ±1 MHz or ± 10% of symbol-rate QPSK, whichever is greater
Table 1.2: Transport-In Options
Characteristic Specification