
www.wegener.com 53 800032-01 Rev. F
PCR Value Jump Unrecoverable transition in incoming Program Clock Reference values. This
has forced re-initialization of services. Check uplink encoder for that program.
PMT Disappeared Formerly valid Program Map Table ceases to be received or becomes corrupt.
See "No PMT" indication.
PMT Version Changed Version number on one or more of the Program Map Tables has changed but
no change to PID lineup.
Prog Blackout on ASI Some services available from satellite not routed to IRD ASI output per program
mapping instructions from COMPEL
. This is not necessarily a fault.
Program in Backout Selected program not available for local decompression because this program
content was blocked to ASI transport output by network. Contact network TOC.
Program Not Found Program selected for local decompression (to local audio/video outputs) not
available-invalid Program number for this Transport.
Reverted to B-up App User-requested application failed self-test and Unit reverted to Backup
application. Notify your network TOC.
RF Signal Overload No carrier lock with RF signal power above specification range. There may be
too much line amplification in RF feed.
SDT Disappeared Formerly valid Service Descriptor Table ceases to be received or becomes
corrupt. See "No SDT entry" indication.
Sec Micro No Resp Secure processor does not respond to local host or may be missing. SIM card
may be mis-installed, loose, or defective.
Ser Pt N Fail
(N=audio port number)
Unknown or miscellaneous hardware failure on serial port N.
Ser Pt N Input Fail
(N=audio port number)
Input buffer overflow on serial port N. Send device at uplink may be set too fast
compared to IRD serial port device, especially if sending data constantly with
only one stop bit. Try changing to 1.5 stop bits.
Ser Pt N Output Fail
(N=audio port number)
Output buffer overflow on serial port N. Send device at uplink may be set too
fast compared to IRD serial port device, especially if sending data constantly
with only one stop bit. Try changing to 1.5 stop bits.
Setting Out of Range Current unit setting combination is illegal for installed receiver card. Unit will be
unable to acquire a carrier and transport stream until corrected by the user.
Test Mode in Use One of the installation test modes is being used. This may interfere with normal
unit operation.
Unauthorized for CA Unit unauthorized for Conditional Access in use. Contact network provider. Also
see "No KMS stream" & "KMS stream lost" indications.
Unit Overheating Unit overheating. Check that unit vents are not blocked and that internal fan is
connected and operating.
Unread FP Email Unread Front-Panel email message present. Warning should clear after user
opens the screen containing the email.
Table 4.1: Alarm and Warning Descriptions
LCD Alarm or Warning
Meaning / Possible Cause