www.wegener.com 43 800032-01 Rev.F
SET parameter value
SET TO destination [time]
SET FROM source
parameter: One of format, feed, freq [for “carrier freq”], rate [for “data rate”], FEC, tag [for “tag site”],
prog [for “program”], margin [for “Eb/No margin warning zone”], aud1, or aud2 [for
“descriptors assigned to audio ports 1 and 2”]. See PERM and ADDE commands for
definitions and limits.
value: Value of the parameter as in any settings command (PERM, TEMP, ADDS, etc.)
destination: PERM, TEMP, number or label of a Preset table entry.
time: Length of insert in either HH:MM:SS format (valid range is 0:00:00 to 18:00:00, leading zeros
OK to omit on hours) OR in number of seconds. (A one-hour TEMP could have a
parameters: of 1:00:00 or 3600.)
source: PERM, CURR, number or label of a Preset table entry.
SET sets the value of individual parameters in a ‘scratch pad’ settings group. SET TO will store the scratch
pad settings to a search table entry or to the permanent or temporary settings (requires an insert time as
a second parameter). SET FROM loads the scratch pad settings from a search table entry or from the
current or permanent settings.
SETAUDIO port route [program] [atten]
port: Value of 1 to 6 indicating an audio port
route: S - Stereo (Left and Right components routed as connected at original MPEG encoder)
1 - Original Left component to both L and R outputs
2 - Original Right component to both L and R outputs
M - Sum of Left and Right components to both L and R outputs
R - Reverse of “Stereo” above (if allowed by hardware)
program: Can be a three character name or an ‘*’. If the 3-character name is specified, the unit will
route the audio PES stream with the specified name to the port. If ‘‘*’ is specified, the unit
will default to the first audio program in the PMT that is not routed to another port.
atten: Must be a numeric value for attenuation in dB. Legal values are given in Table1.1 on
page3. This programs the net audio attenuation, where ‘0’ gives 0dB attenuation
(maximum level). If field omitted, attenuation remains unchanged on that audio port.
The audio PES stream, with the language descriptor program, is decompressed in the port audio port,
and then its components are routed to the Left and Right outputs according to route. That ports
attenuation is changed to atten, if supplied.
label: Unit label. Field entry is truncated at 10 characters.
Sets Unit Label displayed on IRD home LCD screen (and Terminal Welcome Banners), if supported in
this IRD.
Table 3.3: Command Directory for U4600 Terminal Commands