800032-01 Rev. F 50 www.wegener.com
Auto-Recovery Auto-recovery in progress. This may be caused by any of the following
problems on a previously commanded or successfully acquired transport
1. IRD unable to deliver services for time exceeding Services Recovery Time-
2. IRD required to maintain connection to COMPEL
and IRD has not
detected COMPEL for time exceeding Network Recovery Timeout; or
3. IRD detects invalid incoming COMPEL header.
Bad Audio N PTS
(N=audio port number)
Excessive jumps or jitter in Audio port N PTS values
Bad PMT One or more Program Map Tables are corrupted. See "No PMT" indication.
Bad Sec Micro SN Serial number read from secure processor does not match unit. There may be
a an attempt at piracy, a defective NVRAM memory, or a defective secure
Bad VBI Data FN LM
(N=field number;
M=line number)
VBI data for field N, line M is unrecognized or in an unsupported format. Contact
TOC to confirm that the version of application code in your IRD is current.
Bad Video Data Video PES stream appears to be invalid. Check if other IRDs see similar
problem on the same program.
Bad Video PTS Excessive jumps or jitter in video PTS values. There may be a defective uplink
encoder or mux.
Content for ASI N/A Program content requested to route to ASI output cannot be found in over-
satellite transport mux. Contact network TOC and advise.
Content Routing
ASI transport output bears no program content because a Content Routing
Table has not been loaded from the network or is corrupt. Contact network
Margin Warning E
value less than sum of Threshold + Margin—evaluated over 10 sec.
intervals. Unless the margin setting is incorrect, this indicates a marginal
FP Email Fail An FP Email message was received which was corrupt or invalid. User should
acknowledge the warning to clear, and then notify the network TOC.
High Error Rate High errored seconds rate, presumably useless signal—evaluated over 60 sec.
intervals. Signal-to-noise ratio is insufficient or there is severe terrestrial or
antenna cross-pol interference.
High RF Level There is carrier lock, but the RF signal level is too high.
ID Tag Mismatch Carrier ID frequency text mismatch. User or network has entered carrier
frequency text or tag site ID incorrectly or unit is on the wrong carrier.
ID Tags Lost Carrier ID tags disappeared. There may be a failure at the uplink inserter
(UMX5010) or loss of COMPEL
PID. See "ID Tag Mismatch" indication.
Table 4.1: Alarm and Warning Descriptions
LCD Alarm or Warning
Meaning / Possible Cause