
www.wegener.com 45 800032-01 Rev.F
SP program
program: Either an integer between 1 and 65,535 (representing a number) or an alphanumeric string
(representing a name), preference being on a number to resolve ambiguity.
Command changes selected program by Program Number (from PAT) or SDT descriptor. This command
works similarly to a PERM command.
TEMP [format] [feed #] [carrier freq] [data rate] [FEC] [Tag Site] program# time
For format, feed #, carrier freq, data rate, FEC, tag site, and program #, see PERM command.
time: Length of insert in either HH:MM:SS format (valid range is 0:00:00 to 18:00:00, leading zeros
OK to omit on hours) OR in number of seconds. (A one-hour TEMP could have a
parameters: of 1:00:00 or 3600.)
Command which performs a volatile temporary insert for an amount of time given by time. Unit sets its
temporary Unit Settings to the values given.
Note:No label may be applied using this terminal command.
TEMPCH value time
value: Either the value of a Preset table entry number OR the Channel Label of an entry, priority
given to Label if any ambiguity. If an entry number, legal values range from 1 up to N (where
N is number of Preset support this product).
time: Same as for TEMP.
Volatile command which sets volatile temporary Unit Settings to those retrieved from the Preset table
according to value for time given by time. Similar to TEMP command.
Command displays internal unit temperature if available.
TEST group value
group: Mnemonic for a test group: Either RF, AV, DTMF, or REL.
value: Parametric value which has meaning depending on the test group selected.
Command to activate Installation Test Modes. A Local Control Command (available from the terminal
regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable" commands from the network).
If group is RF, the legal values are 1, 2, 3, 4, and OFF. Entering numbers for value cause the IRD to report
the RF level (not locked to carrier) at that RF Feed Port every few seconds. Entering OFF stops the
If group is AV, the legal values are ON and OFF. If ON, a test pattern is activated on the video output and
test tones activated on the audio output, the same as the generic TESTMODE command.
If group is DTMF, the legal values are ON and OFF. If ON, the command behaves like the DTMFVOL
command entered with no parameters
If group is REL, the legal values are ON and OFF. If ON, both user cue relays are alternately energized
and de-energized.
Command stops all volatile test functions as if unit were reset. A Local Control Command (available from
the terminal regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable" commands from the network).
Table 3.3: Command Directory for U4600 Terminal Commands