
ZETA Music Systems, Inc.
ZMC-200 Manual Rev2.0
For analog volume levels, adjust the standard volume control on the
external electronic device (ex; amplifier) that is plugged into the ¼”
“Instrument Output” jack on the back of the Synthony II to the desired
volume level.
NOTE: Remember, the “E-Series” button on the front panel of the
Synthony II must be PUSHEDIN (showing white through the clear top of
the button) in order for instruments with E-Series pickup systems to
function properly with the Synthony II MIDI Controller.
Included with each Synthony II is a set of black rubber tracking enhancers
for installation on the Zeta instrument that will be used as the MIDI
controller. Separate installation instructions are included with the
enhancers, with directions for application of the proper gaskets to each type
of Zeta pickup system.
The use of the provided tracking enhancers is essential for optimum
performance of the Synthony II MIDI controller. The gasket applied under
the strings at the nut minimizes unwanted harmonics and overtones of the
vibrating strings, preventing mis-triggering and enhancing tracking speed.
The enhancer applied under the pickup serves to eliminate unwanted body
vibrations and overtones, and minimizes “crosstalk” between the pickups
of the individual strings.
The use of tracking enhancers may affect the tone of the instrument in
analog applications. Installation of the gasket set does not need to be
permanent, although the gaskets must be installed for proper performance
of the Synthony II and it is not recommended to remove or re-install them