ZETA Music Systems, Inc.
ZMC-200 Manual Rev2.0
If your MIDI instrument is equipped with built-in Chorus, you can control
it with this parameter. The higher the value, the more chorus will be added
to the mix in the output signal of your MIDI instrument. The sound board
has this feature built in.
Variation Effect (0…127)
If your MIDI instrument is equipped with built-in variation effects (such as
Auto-wah), you can control it with this parameter. The sound board
contains numerous variation effects that can be randomly combined with
Reverb and Chorus.
Velocity Sensitivity (0…127)
You can limit the dynamic range of your MIDI instrument by adjusting the
value of this parameter. The smaller the value, the less dynamic range there
will be between note events. In the extreme case, a value of zero plays all
notes on your MIDI instrument at the same dynamic level, regardless of
how loud or softly you play your instrument. With a value of 127, you
achieve the highest sensitivity and dynamic range for the notes you play.
Velocity Offset (–64…+64)
If the average dynamic level of your MIDI instrument is too soft or too
loud after limiting the dynamic using VEL SENSE (see above), you can set
the middle/average volume here (see the graphic on the following page).
Volume 7
The ZETA SYNTHONY II uses Volume 7 as its default controller. This
allows for the proper MIDI conversion of continuous volume increase
(crescendo) information.
Intensity (0…63)
Adjusts the crescendo volume level. A value of 0 produces no increase of level. A value
of 63 produces the greatest level change