ZETA Music Systems, Inc.
ZMC-200 Manual Rev2.0
Select Global Mode
Press Parameter + seven times until you see Instrument 1
Press Value + one time so that it reads Instrument 2 (This way, the
Synthony II remembers you real-time settings. When you want to go back
to real-time performance, simply follow these steps to this point and select
Instrument 1. All of your original settings are there.)
Press Enter
Select the type of instrument you are playing by scrolling through the
Value + or – buttons
Press the Parameter + button four times (It should read SenceC5 followed
by a number)
Using the Value + or – buttons, adjust the sensitivity for each string of your
instrument to a very low number. This will vary based on your playing
style and software. (Try anything from 1 – 10.) The Parameter buttons
select the string that you are adjusting, the Value buttons adjust the
sensitivity for that string.
When you have the strings set at appropriately low sensitivities, simply
press Exit two times.
These settings will be saved automatically.
Now when you are using the Synthony II for data entry into a computer,
remember to select Instrument 2 in your global settings. When you are
using it for real-time performance, select Instrument 1.
Panorama Controller (ON/OFF)
With your ZETA SYNTHONY II, it is possible to set distinct stereo
panorama placement for each individual PRESET. Panorama is MIDI
Controller #10 which is sent to your MIDI instruments. If you don’t want
to send Controller #10 events, perhaps because you would rather use the
panorama settings within a connected keyboard, for example, or because a
given MIDI instrument is older and doesn’t support Controller 10
information, set this value to OFF. If this parameter is set to ON, the values
will be sent that were set in the Play Area parameters (see PRESET
MODE). As will all other controller information, you ZETA SYNTHONY